Postgraduate studies

The Institute of Animal Physiology of the Centre of Biosciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences participates in the implementation of doctoral studies as an external educational institution according to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Universities and on the amendment of specific laws as amended.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic guarantees the right to participate in the implementation of doctoral studies in the following fields of study and programs:

Programs: Physiology of animals

Programs: Microbiology

Veterinary morphology and physiology

The Ph.D. study is organized in full-time and part-time forms. Graduates of universities (usually veterinary and natural sciences) who have successfully studied and completed their university studies with a prescribed state final exam can become doctoral students.

In the admission procedure, the applicant will demonstrate:

Professional knowledge from the chosen Program of study and prerequisites for independent scientific work.
Language knowledge from one world language.

The entire study is based mainly on the scientific program. During the Ph.D. study, the students must pass a doctoral examination and additional exams. The final part of the scientific program is a dissertation.